Showcase of Work
'The Everyman'
The short Documentary film 'The Everyman' was the first film i worked on in the final year of my film degree. The project focussed on a man named Craig and the allotment he manages. The allotment is owned by a charity, with the focus being helping the users of the allotment with mental health and various other issues back into society. the film focussed on Craig and his role within the allotment and how he manages the day to day activities along with the affects of the pandemic.
'The Misunderstanding'
'The Misunderstanding' - Our task for this film was to create a short film within the comedy genre.
Through working with the director, we were able to create a script that adhered to the guidelines.
The final film involves two characters, fighting over an unknown issue. However everything is not as it initially seems.
'An Antidote To Apathy' - Short Documentary Film
'An Antidote To Apathy' - This was the second short documentary I directed. Our task was to create an observational documentary around some form of event. We came across this Cusp event depicted in the film, and were then allowed to film sections of the event showing what happened throughout the day.